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MI GIFT: Esperienze cucite su misura per chi ha ancora voglia di emozionarsi. Un ricordo è per sempre.


“Tutto qui spira grandezza, gusto, umanità, purezza, e bellezza, nel più alto grado”


Uno dei musei più famosi e amati del mondo si svela per i turisti MI EXPERIENCE.


Un tour unico che vi porterà alla scoperta dei tesori degli Uffizi attraverso il genio di Giotto, Botticelli, Raffaello, Leonardo e moltri altri giganti dell'arte.


  • Durata: 2h
  • Massimo Ospiti: 14 ospiti
  • Meeting Point: Piazza della Signoria, di fronte al David
  • Tour non disponibile Lunedì e Prima Domenica del Mese
  • Biglietto Incluso nel Prezzo


Per qualsiasi informazione o domanda, ci contatti a



MI GIFT: I Tesori Degli Uffizi

    • I MI GIFT sono esperienze esclusive private, da vivere da soli o condividere coi propri cari
    • In caso di regalo, completi perfavore il campo in alto coi dettagli del regalo
    • I nostri Tour sono esperienze esclusive, curate e slow, sviluppate per preservare e tramandare la storia e la cultura dei luoghi che visiteremo.
    • I MI GIFT possono essere personalizzati, per esperienze ancora più esclusive! Ci scriva la sua richiesta su
Absconditorum Clavis

MI EXPERIENCE is a project born during the pandemic to support Italian tourism and local operators.

The founders' experience of 30 years of activity in the tourism sector, available to the most discerning tourists, the most prestigious companies and the most renowned international personalities.

With our tours, trips, excursions, and events, we want to introduce you to the most authentic and unfiltered Italy: the entrepreneurial and industrious one of our artisans, the artistic and cultural one of the great painters, sculptors and architects and the greener one, product of a lucky mix of natural factors, which makes us one of the countries with the widest biodiversity in the world.

Do you want to organize a private tour or do you have questions? Chat with one of our Tour Manager

Your Testimonials ❤️

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Maria Trazza

Thank you for letting me travel, despite the restrictions, with online tours. Reviewing my Ravenna with you made me emotional

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Luca Cocchi

I will never forget the excursion to Como and Brunate. Magnificent views and a truly knowledgeable guide. See you next time!

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Cinzia De Giorgi

I have followed your online fashion tours with great interest. I didn't know Versace's story, but thanks for presenting this part of our Made in Italy history.


Lucia Tronzano

The excursion to Montevecchia and the Curone valley was fantastic and we had a lot of fun. Thanks Giulia!

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Matteo Riva

Thanks Giulia, my wife really enjoyed the gift of the online tour on women in art. Frida Kahlo is her favorite painter!

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Anna Martinelli

Thanks to MI EXPERIENCE I rediscovered my hometown, Bergamo, in a new way. Thanks!

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Matteo Borradori

Really a beautiful excursion, I did not know the Ortica district of Milan. Can't wait to join the next tour!

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Francesca Conti

I attended the Porta Nuova tour with great interest. Thanks to Giulia and Simona for showing the most modern Milan. A really cool tour

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Annalisa Spagna

I didn't know you, but a friend of mine invited me to one of your tours. It was a pleasant surprise, thanks to you I rediscovered the Martesana, where my father worked.

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Aldo Schiavano

I bought the Monza tour for my wife's birthday. Fantastic experience, congratulations to Giulia and Simona for the magnificent organization.

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